lunedì 11 aprile 2011

Learning The Way To Download Free Public Domain Audiobooks

There are really websites that exist nowadays that offer free downloads of some files. They are free because mostly these are those of classic titles that have already passed into the public domain and so are no longer under copyright law.

Let us now look at some of those websites that offer free public domain audiobooks:

  • - a website full of large database containing free audio books. It provides the customers with great and organized categories of the titles of the audio books. And it also has a newer royalty offer that offers Free eBook Audiobook due as an addition to those in the public domain. The unfortunate part is that it has not been updated since 2008.
  • - they offer audio books that are classic in mp3 and mp4 format. They have few dozen titles which includes a free copy of the King James Bible and Spanish, Italian and French language learning audiobooks. 
  • - this page provides free copies of audiobooks, lectures, speeches, sermons and interviews in audio (MP3) and video format. As of March 2011, it's about 3,400 available titles.
  • - this is a large service offering free public domain audio books. It has 4,250 titles available as of March 2011. It also makes effort to produce volunteers to create audio book recordings of public domain audio books for free consumption.
  • - the feature of this site could it be is focused more on free educational and cultural media and maintains free files you can download in an mp3 format. They provide free classic titles and other public domain works. Free podcasts are also offered here.
  • Project Gutenberg - efforts designed to digitize and archive cultural works and maintain a library of public domain audiobooks. Some titles are read by narrators and some were created using synthesized technology (computer generated voices). It collaborates with Librivox and to produce volunteers to create human-read recordings of Free Audiobook Download.

Examples of websites that have newer titles and are independently produced beyond major publishing houses include:

  • New Fiction - a new and different kind that offers free modern-day radio dramas called iSoaps. These forms are very different due to its newer fiction titles from independent authors rather than audio book format in public domain.
  • Podiobooks - free audiobooks in episodic form over RSS are now being offered here. This makes readers enjoy titles one chapter at a time. They have about 500 original fiction titles.
  •  Storynory - audio book children's stories are its features. It is a U.K. based website. It gives you tons of classic fairytales, educational stories, and original titles.
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